«Millionaire Dating» - Free dating site to meet single millionaires, for love, relationships, marriage and sex


Was long time ago
75 y/o,
Moskva, Russia
Im inquisitive to people. Life is so nice and short that the best way to spend it is to smile to the world in the most friendly way. Then, rather seldom, funny chemistry comes between people and it is a wonder. I believe in love, friendship, devotion, trust and happy meetings when we dont pay attention to thousands of people passing by but suddenly have a blow of joy into the heart. We catch a curious look towards, and we like this look. Sometimes a new person can be like a sunray from the grey sky. You may find it all funny. It is true. Besides, somebody`s sparkling humour fills my life with easy, spicy but not poisonous laughter. Only boredom can kill my love to life. That`s why i am trying to avoid boring, too reasonable people. Sorry, they are from the other world and this world is far from my world. Better to smile than to cry. What makes me absolutely happy is travel. When doing it, i have nothing but communicating, clubbing, sitting at the sea or at the fire just looking at them. Sadness is my guest from time to time. I am a human being with all my pros and cons, not an angel - alive... I accept life.
Aged between:
45-55 y/o
Relationships, Marriage
Want to meet:
You must be easy-going, tolerant and kind, full of energy, love life and understand that it is the greatest and the most wonderful gift. You must be an educated person with a wide point of view, fit, friendly, with a good sence of humour, ready to travel, cross new cultures, have new experiences, not boring, successful but not too serious to this success. You must be devoted, helpful and trustful.
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