«Millionaire Dating» - Free dating site to meet single millionaires, for love, relationships, marriage and sex


Was long time ago
76 y/o,
New York, United States
I walk my path that I was given and it is called life. It has its ups, its downs, but that is what makes me strong and learn how to survive. I have stumbled and fallen, but I get back up and keep going. Although I have scars, these do not keep me from trying new things and experiencing life and what it has to offer. Don't let fear keep you from doing something at least once, you may find that is the one thing you love
Aged between:
30-80 y/o
Want to meet:
I walk my path that I was given and it is called life. It has its ups, its downs, but that is what makes me strong and learn how to survive. I have stumbled and fallen, but I get back up and keep going. Although I have scars, these do not keep me from trying new things and experiencing life and what it has to offer. Don't let fear keep you from doing something at least once, you may find that is the one thing you love
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