«Millionaire Dating» - Free dating site to meet single millionaires, for love, relationships, marriage and sex


Was long time ago
51 y/o,
Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
You love when you realize that everything that happens between you is not without significance, that everything you say can make the one you love feel joy or pain, the everything you do will strengthen or weaken your relationship. You love when you understand all this and wake up every morning filled with gratitude that you have yet another day during which you would love and enjoy your partner. When in your life there is someone who loves you, you are truly blessed. Another person who has chosen to walk beside you has been given as a gift to you. He share with you the days and nights, your bed and your burdens. The man who loves you, sees in you the secrets that no one else sees. He/she will touch your body in places that nobody else has touched. The man who loves you will find you in whatever place you hide yorself and will make his reliable and affectionate embrace a true paradise for you. The man who loves you, offers you an abundance of miracles every day. He has the ability to delight you with just a smile, with his voice, his scent, the way he moves. He possesses the ability to banish your loneliness. He has the ability to turn ordinary things into magnificent ones. It is your doorway to heaven here on earth.
Aged between:
18-90 y/o
Pen pal, Friendship, Relationships, Marriage
About me:
Marital status:
Christian / Catholic
163 cm
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