«Millionaire Dating» - Free dating site to meet single millionaires, for love, relationships, marriage and sex

Mayer Lattey

Mayer Lattey
Was long time ago
42 y/o,
Wallingford, United States
I am very creative woman. I think that I have a very interesting personality and I am not like other people. I always have my own views and interesting approach to a problem or some situation and I think that it's very important to have your own view and be not like the whole crowd, do you agree with me? I think that I am a woman who is good in many things and I want to try more and more while this life gives me such chance and opportunities and not sit and complain! I am very positive woman and i think that everything what is happening is for the best and even in some bad experience - you can always find a lesson for yourself and learn on your own mistakes just to continue this life with beautiful smile on my face like I am trying to do every day! I know that people who are around me - they enjoy this beautiful and powerful energy which I have and I am also the woman who is not afraid to help people to solve their problems and come to them in hard moments when the! y need me! We are humans and we need to help each other and not humiliate or make each other suffering every moment of our being! Maybe after reading these lines you will see that I am very calm and nice lady and I have really a lot of ideas in my mind and I would be so glad to share them all with you, I am sure that you would give me such chance and we would enjoy it together with you
Aged between:
40-90 y/o
Pen pal, Friendship, Relationships, Marriage
Want to meet:
I believe that common interests are very important in the couple and i dream about the relations where I would feel and understand my man and he will do the same! My man must keep his words and be someone who will protect me from any problems of this life and my friend, my leader and just number one for me! I don't like when men think that they are smarter, better and stronger than women, I would prefer to be with someone who will not think in such direction, but who will be equal with me and consider my needs like his own and I will behave myself the same! I don't want just to take, I am ready to give and I am interested in the man who will do the same, he will give me his love and I will give mine! Are you ready for this?
About me:
Marital status:
High School
Languages spoken:
161 cm
63 kg
Eye color:
Hair color:
Native American
Body type:
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