«Millionaire Dating» - Free dating site to meet single millionaires, for love, relationships, marriage and sex

Ryan Alex

Ryan Alex
Was long time ago
57 y/o,
Malmö, Sweden
Hi, Thanks for stopping by my profile. Looking for compatibility, chemistry, honesty, someone who enjoys life as much as I do and wants to share some of life's pleasures. Not looking for perfection just someone who is compatible for me, someone that I am attracted too, both physically, and emotionally. I am actively looking for a life partner who helps to make life a little more interesting and warmer. Seeking someone to be vulnerable and playful with. Conversations can be different with a partner than with friends. I am open to new ideas and change. I am financially independent with a positive attatude who lives life on lifes terms that is looking to spend quality time, with an honest fun loving open minded person. Each day is a special gift...Lets share some of these days together and discover together what our future holds for us...We would share mutual interests, yet we are unique individuals as well. We are open minded too try what are partners enjoy.I believe I do well daily to maintain a positive attitude and constantly evolve to be a better person. "I love you", I've come to understand, is more than three words mumbled before bedtime. Love is sustained by action - a pattern of devotion in the things we do for each other every day. In everyone's life, at sometime our inner fire burns out. It is then burst into flame by an incounter with another human being. We should be grateful for those people who rekindle our inner spirit.
Aged between:
18-90 y/o
Pen pal, Friendship, Relationships, Marriage
About me:
Marital status:
Christian / Catholic
178 cm
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