«Millionaire Dating» - Знакомства с одинокими миллионерами и богатыми людьми для брака и серьезных отношений


Был давно
67 лет,
Оттава, Канада
I'm an intelligent, easy-going guy with good listening skills. A sincere and honest man, my loyalty and integrity is never in question. My home is my sanctuary, enjoying nature that surrounds me, admiring the life on my lake, relish walking through the woods, awstruck by the sunsets nature paints each evening. It also tends to consume my life through maintenance and improvements. Life\'s events have taken its toll leaving a heavily scarred heart. Recently separated, I now reluctantly commence the quest to find a special woman's magic once again.
В возрасте:
30-49 лет
Дружбы, Отношений
Кого я хочу встретить:
Now just getting the courage to start looking at other women. Looking for anything from a casual NSA encounter to a serious relationship.
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