I am the book. My cover is designed especially for introducing you to all possibilities, inside, where you are encouraged to read.I am the game. Whatever "the Game" is, these days, I am sure I do not care. If it truly is about the Music, the product, the sound, the Artistry, the Intelligence, the universality of being and discovering, that is a different story. Then "the game" comes to me, and not to anyone else, for I will not need ever play. And it is never going to be necessary or sufficient putting on plastic to protect the natural being. The natural being is the proper being. Anything I have to tell you, here, you will undoubtedly need to discover for yourself. The best way is to learn it from me, and not s.o. else...unless, perhaps, it may be a good friend...telling me, "show her who ye are." You will be terrified, albeit not afraid. Your hand on my face will tell me more than any pictures or words...so just let me be my best. That is how you will know...The Natural selection process would never be in trouble if it werent for infidelity and all the other "life-choice" b.s. If you know that lesson, you cannot serve the double standard, anymore, but the (half-full) fidelity, itself. And just for the sake of you knowing...:Hey, this is not funny... lol...although, now it may be time for some levity and for one of us to crack a smile... (It may be the case, that if I ever make you laugh, it is because I am not trying... You are just right for me. Maybe if you know that, being needed shall not feel too demanding...