«Millionaire Dating» - Знакомства с одинокими миллионерами и богатыми людьми для брака и серьезных отношений

Ava Williams

Ava Williams
Была давно
38 лет,
U.S. Air Force Academy, США
I believe that my ideal match would be a selfless, caring, serving, loving, and compassionate man. He would embrace his God given role as head of household and strive daily to establish a home that glorifies God. I want him to feel that his relationship with me is truly a blessing from God and thus he would treat it as such taking time to nuture it as time passes. I would also hope that he would feel very comfortable sharing all of his struggles and successes with me. I am a very affectionate person and I believe the verbal intimacy is very important and thus I would hope he feels the same. I am not a perfect person nor do I expect him to be the but I would expect us to be able to love one another past our weaknesses and be able to humble ourselves and apologize when we have hurt or wronged one another. Our relationship should not be a competition but a spiritual union where I am his Godly helper and where I feel it is my duty to shower him with unconditional love respect, compassion, speak the truth in love.
В возрасте:
28-90 лет
Брака / Создания семьи
Кого я хочу встретить:
I am looking for a future partner in life. I want to be spend the rest of my life with,best friend and a lover to share quiet moments... am a very enthusiastic, outgoing, independent person.I am a very shy, In short, I am a person who strives to place others needs before my own and people/relationships are very important to me. I believe that true loves means caring about the needs of others and wanting whats best for them. I am comical yet serious and believe in learning from life trials instead of letting them get the best of you
Обо мне:
Семейное положение:
Холост / Не замужем
Есть, живем вместе
Финансы / Бухгалтерия
Отношение к религии:
Знание языков:
Внешний вид:
175 см
65 кг
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