«Millionaire Dating» - Знакомства с одинокими миллионерами и богатыми людьми для брака и серьезных отношений

borkholder Rene

borkholder Rene
Была давно
43 года,
Fort Worth, США
I am Looking for someone who is a loving, caring, and sharing person. Not afraid to express their opinions and being sensitive to mine.Able to commit to a relationship based on mutual respect, trust, and common goals.I am honest, caring and sincere. I enjoy meals out or in, ambling in beautiful countryside, the theater and cinema. I try to stay fit and healthy but I am not fanatical.Love hanging out with friends and loved ones
В возрасте:
28-80 лет
Дружбы, Отношений, Брака / Создания семьи
Кого я хочу встретить:
I am searching for a passionate lover, best friend, confidant, companion, advocate, playmate, a strong believer ,someone i will share my life with and wants / frequent communication on..My interest is to find a man who is committed, faithful, and loving of the Lord above all else. I would have a great appreciation for a man who has a kind, and gentle heart to those who are less than fortunate, and to those who experience unfortunate situations
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