«Millionaire Dating» - Знакомства с одинокими миллионерами и богатыми людьми для брака и серьезных отношений


Была давно
40 лет,
Memphis, США
I am sweet, romantic, passionate, loving, caring, kind and sincere lady. I am many-sided person and goal-oriented and I know that is not easy to meet your second half but possible. I am always honest, smiling and optimistic. I can be risky sometimes, spontaneous and active and I always sweet as a chocolate. I would be glad to melt in your arms if we have flame of love and passion burning in our hearts!
В возрасте:
30-80 лет
Дружбы, Отношений, Брака / Создания семьи
Кого я хочу встретить:
I want to meet my second half and to share all the sweet and bitter moments of this life with him. I want to be for him a faithful and reliable girlfriend. I would appreciate him to be kind, caring, attentive, loving and reliable man. I want to spend all the life with this man in love, joy and harmony. I am always open to compromises. I want to create happy relations, for family , but not for marriage. I will select long time before I will think about marriage. So I am searching for man to date with.
Обо мне:
Семейное положение:
Холост / Не замужем
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