«Millionaire Dating» - Знакомства с одинокими миллионерами и богатыми людьми для брака и серьезных отношений

Jolene Taylor

Jolene Taylor
Была давно
77 лет,
Финикс, США
i am a kind, caring woman. I am truthful and honest. I like to do many things. I am willing to try something once as long as it is not up high. Once a strong relationship is established with a man I will be a one man woman. I treat my men good and with respect and am there for them. I want a kind man who shows love and affection to me. A man who puts me first. A man who will love me for me and not try to make me be something I am not. I do have two things that I will say here. I smoke. I also have a weight problem. Sometimes I am up and sometimes down. Since Feb. I have been loosing weight. My husband passed away and I don't cook the quantity I did when he was here. I also wait until I am real hungry and then eat and only eat til I am full. Because I am diabetic, I eat that way. I eat meat, fruit, veggies and no sugar. Right now I weigh less than I have in 15 years. I hope I keep going so I can be the weight I should be. Also I will only accept men who live in Arizona. No other state. If you have any questions ask.
В возрасте:
18-90 лет
Переписки, общения, Дружбы, Отношений, Брака / Создания семьи
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Вдовец / Вдова
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Внешний вид:
157 см
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