«Millionaire Dating» - Знакомства с одинокими миллионерами и богатыми людьми для брака и серьезных отношений

John Daniel

John Daniel
Был давно
63 года,
Нью-Йорк, США
Friendly, down-to-earth, well-educated professional, passionate about my job. I believe in helping as many people as I can, while living a peaceful, fulfilling, healthy life filled with optimism, humor and joy! I believe in making small but constant efforts to seek the Truth and to identify with the Divine in all! Am looking to find my partner who will be a best friend and team-mate on this journey.
В возрасте:
40-65 лет
Отношений, Брака / Создания семьи
Кого я хочу встретить:
A single woman, who is spiritual, well educated, seeking to live a healthy, peaceful, life, to enjoy this beautiful planet, a nature lover, interested in making a contribution to humanity.
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