«Millionaire Dating» - Знакомства с одинокими миллионерами и богатыми людьми для брака и серьезных отношений

Eben Lawson

Eben Lawson
Был давно
47 лет,
Нью-Йорк, США
I enjoy the beauty of life, watching a beautiful sunset. I like entertaining friends and family at my house. I'm very comfortable with who I am and the direction my life is headed. I don't have to ride a harley or drive big truck to feel like a man. I never try to stop learning and I'm open to new experiences. I like to laugh with people or at myself, it's good for the heart. I really enjoy staying busy, working around the house or in the yard.
В возрасте:
40-50 лет
Брака / Создания семьи
Кого я хочу встретить:
would be someone who is happy with who they are and where there going in life. She should not be entirely into material things and should appreciate simple things in life
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